jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Traditional clothing from Morocco:

For Men: 

The traditional Moroccan garment of men is, par excellence, the "Chilaba", which is a closed tunic, with hood. Usually accompanied by a red cap (which does not cover the whole head) called "Tarbush". In the feet they carry "Babuchas", which is a kind of soft shoe without sole, traditionally yellow although there is in many colors (for men, always unicolor).




For Women: 

They carry the "Caftan", which is similar to the "Chilaba" but without a hood. In addition, it usually has many more adornments and carries more craft work of embroidery and sewing. You can distinguish it by the different layers that compose it.




The méchoui or meshwi is whole lamb roasted slowly in a ground oven until the meat is easily detached with the hands, and served with couscous, almonds and plums. It is usually included in the menu of occasions, holidays or when they have guests.

Moroccan taxis


They are usually Mercedes 200 series or large displacement vehicles, in addition to the urban routes cover interurban routes, the color of the taxis depends on the city to which they belong, these taxis do not have a meter so it is necessary to negotiate the price before Start the trip.


On the other hand the petits taxis are usually Fiat 1 or small cars, are distinguished by their bright colors. Its capacity is for three people, so if you travel more than three people you will have to take two petit taxis or to look for a Grand Taxi for your displacement. The Petit Taxis only circulate within the cities.

If you decide to travel by taxi in Morocco you have to be very clear about the aforementioned as the taxi drivers in Morocco as in many other destinations are usually very savvy, and more or less have an idea of ​​what each journey is worth.

The different Islamic veils

  • Traditional clothing of the Pashtun tribes of Afghanistan.
  • Completely covers the head and body, a grid conceals the eyes.
  • The Taliban in Afghanistan declare it to be compulsory.

  • Complete veil to which a fabric is added.
  • Only leaves an eye opening visible.
  • Its use spread under the influence of Wahhabi Islam, especially in cities.
  • Means to dissimulate before the eyes.
  • Covers the hair, ears and neck, only allowed to see the oval of the face.
  • Widespread use in the Muslim world.
  • Traditional dress of women in Iran, especially practitioners.
  • Large piece of cloth on the head, open in front.
  • Is not mandatory in Islam.


martes, 6 de junio de 2017


  • Menjar amb la mà dreta. Si heu de compartir taula amb marroquins, recordeu  utilitzar la mà dreta.
  • Accepteu la invitacions a prendre el te. Aquesta és la millor manera de simpatitzar amb els marroquins.
  • Llevi's les sabates en entrar en una casa. Normalment a les cases se sol entrar sense sabates, és millor preguntar a l'amo de la casa si prefereix que ens descalcem. Les cases marroquines solen estar plenes de catifes i pot molestar que les trepitgem amb les nostres sabates.
  • No intenti entrar en les mesquites. Solament hi ha unes poques mesquites en tot el país en les quals es permeti l'entrada als no musulmans, asseguri's abans d'entrar en una, que se li permeti l'entrada.
  • No prengui fotografies d'una persona sense demanar-li permís.
  • No discuteixi de temes sobre el rei o la religió. Intenti no parlar de política ni de religió i les drogues.
  • No usi roba provocativa. Especialment les dones i sobretot si va visitar els voltants de llocs sagrats (temples, mesquites ...).
  • Fotografiar els llocs de control fronterers, militars, policials o instal·lacions aeroportuàries està estrictament prohibit.
Ara us faré un petit resum del punts anteriors.
  •  Els punts mes importants són llevar-se les sabates i un altre és no fer fotos als militars policies etc...
  •  Una cosa que crec que és molt important és mai però mai saludar a una dona com aquí amb dos petons, com molt saludar-la amb un salam aleikom a distància.

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017


Avui us parlaré que preparam nosaltres a ca nostre per menjar a la nit del ramadàn.
Primer de tot no a de faltar els dàtils sobre tot la sopa "harira" també hi ha chebakia, uns panets plens de carn i uns de peix mini pizzes, aletes de pollastre, patates fregides, olives i  moltes begudes, cada dia es diferent no tots els dies son igual. 
Esper que us hagui agradat.